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  1. S


    yes looks like they went under. i heavily modified mine as i had an issues with the printer mainly due to the firmware but the company just went dark
  2. S

    GMax 2 Pro Replacement Parts

    hey did you ever get this resolved?, it sounds lie you have a bad thermistor or the connect to the thermistor is faulty and therefore not getting an accurate temp reading if you have a pc and pronterface you can connect to check temps and possibly do a pid autotune
  3. S

    GMax 2 Pro Replacement Parts

    Yeah that sucks! What problem have you been having with it?
  4. S

    GMax 2 Pro Replacement Parts

    Yeah, that’s what it seems like no heads up or nothing. I was surprised when I tried going to the website as I wanted to order a new bed plate for the printer.
  5. S

    GMax 2 Pro Replacement Parts

    I think it’s dead here. I’ve had so many problems with this printer. Finally got fed up. Ripped the SKR 2 board out of the machine and upgraded to the SKR 3 board. It no longer runs marlin and switched everything over to klipper. Runs great now.