
  1. gCreate

    gMax Prusaslicer Config Files 210915

    As of PrusaSlicer version 2.4 gMax configuration files are now bundled with the program and no longer must be installed separately. Please visit the PrusaSlicer download page and download version 2.4 or newer. To add the gMax profiles in PrusaSlicer go to "Configutation > Configuration Wizard"...
  2. gCreate

    Cura 4.8 Config Files for gMax 3D Printers 201113

    These must only be used with Cura 4.8 Installation instructions can be found in the zip file. Upgraded version from 14 to 15. For Single and Dual Extruder gMax Printers.
  3. gCreate

    Cura 4.7 Config Files for gMax 3D Printers. 200831

    These must only be used with Cura 4.7. Installation instructions can be found in the zip file. Upgraded version from 14 to 15. For Single and Dual Extruder gMax Printers. Definitions: Defines printer Quality: Defines different print quality...
  4. gCreate

    Cura 4.6.2 - gMax 1.5+ and gMax 2 Config Files with Instructions 200806

    [RED_TITLE]gMax 1.5+ and gMax 2 configuration files for Cura 4.6.2.[/RED_TITLE] Installation instructions can be found in the zip file. Upgraded version from 13 to 14 Definitions: Defines printer Quality: Defines different print quality settings Variants: Defines nozzle sizes From what...