Dual Extrusion Woes


New Member
Hi all, looking for some help if possible.

Firstly what is the best protocol to follow when setting up a file for dual extrusion? At the moment no matter if i export my files as STL or AMF; in slic3r im only ever getting solid objects, no options for different parts, unless i import them separate but then i face the trouble of trying to align them well enough, as slic3r is limited in its commands for moving and snapping objects etc.

Secondly, when i first attempted a dual extrusion print, the settings worked fairly well, the only problem was that the Pre-Print G Code did not contain any of the commands to lift the hotend away from the bed, this was easily solved. Now out of the blue whenever i i try to print only hotend #1 is being set to heat, anybody have any ideas why? It's annoying having to set it to pre-heat manually then start the print.

Thirdly, is it possible that the dual extruder offset might be wrong? My prints are coming out offset when different hotends are used:

Has anyone got any good test files i can use to test the offset? Lining objects by eye in slic3r seems so inaccurate.

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.

Hi Alex,
Copy and Paste this custom gcode into your slic3r settings for dual extruders. You can find this in the printer settings tab > custom gcode.

Start gCode
M104 S[first_layer_temperature_0] T0; set 1st nozzle heater to first layer temperature
M104 S[first_layer_temperature_1] T1; set 2nd nozzle heater to first layer temperature
G28 ; home all axes
G1 Z5 F5000; Raise nozzle
M109 S[first_layer_temperature_0] T0; set 1st nozzle heater to first layer temperature
M109 S[first_layer_temperature_1] T1; set 2nd nozzle heater to first layer temperature
G1 F5000 X210 Y210 Z1; Move print head to center and lower to first layer height
End gCode
M104 S0 T0 ; turn off temperature 1st nozzle.
M104 S0 T1 ; turn off temperature 2nd nozzle.
G28 X0  ; home X axis
G28 Y0  ; home Y axis
M84     ; disable motors
You will need to calibrate your extruder offset in slicer. There are many different models you could use to do this. I like to use this one. http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:124450


New Member
Kyle thats brilliant thanks for the help its greatly appreciated. I will try this first thing in the morning and report back.




New Member
Kyle thanks for the code, all is working well now, i had attempted similar myself but obviously didn't get it quite right :D .

I am dialing in the offsets now so thanks again.