Gmax 1.0 16x16x9 Printer help

I am just looking for a little guidance here and hopfully someone can help out. I have one of the original Gmax 1.0 Kits I had gone in with my brother when we bought it and hes had it since. I picked it up from him the other day and figured Id give it a go and see if it would stil work. clean it up enough to where figured it would be ok to try. Plugged it in and bam everything lit up and extruders started warming. Unfortunatley I am having issue with knowing where the extruder shoud be once I send to home on the lcd screen. hope fully someone here can help out. The person at support was still working on finding the original files since they seem to have been deleted or unavailable because of some system issues they had. Ive got it all back, cleaned and everything level, I just had a few questions if anyone could help that would be Amazing.
1. Dose anyone have the original Manual they got with their kit? (one of the missing items i didnt recover from my brother lol)
2. When i do the home check it completes the X,Yand Z axis checks and then hits the end stop switches and thats where it stays.
3. What 3D software should I start using to begin with ?
4. I noticed there was a Piece of PLA stuck in the feed of the extruder is there a way to get it out?
5. Is there any firmware updates for it ?
6. Anything I should do to the Table to keep PLA from sticking to it or is that not a huge issue ?

Still working on getting the office finished so had to use an old table saw lol
THank again to anyone that can help.


Hi boz,

If the support team hasn't gotten back to you already I've attached the old gMax 1.0 build manual. I have a pretty heavily modified 1.0 myself and still go back to reference the parts and manual sometimes.

To answer your other questions:
2. When i do the home check it completes the X,Yand Z axis checks and then hits the end stop switches and thats where it stays.
> Yes after hitting each end-stop switch (in the order you listed) then the printer just sits there
3. What 3D software should I start using to begin with ?
> I prefer Simplify3D but it does cost money, so I'd say Cura (which I believe is still free) or Slic3r (which is old, but is referenced in the manual)
4. I noticed there was a Piece of PLA stuck in the feed of the extruder is there a way to get it out?
> I would try pre-heating the extruder and using another piece of filament to push that one through. Or try using tiny pliers or tweezers, but that may be tough.
5. Is there any firmware updates for it ?
> There were some updates but it depends on whether your gMax is a single or dual extruder setup. I have the dual extruder firmware if you need it.
6. Anything I should do to the Table to keep PLA from sticking to it or is that not a huge issue ?
> Making sure the acrylic bed is sanded fairly well really helps, other than that PLA tends to stick well to it. If you have trouble with large parts peeling up on the corners I'd recommend trying a raft since you don't have a heated glass bed or buildtak.


Thank you , is there any specific way to download the firmware? I seem to be having issues with the bed and flow more than anything. I was printing a vase off thingverse tonight and this is how the base of it started looking after about an hour. I’ve been able to use Cura to print and I had to swith the extruder worth thebother one because it seemed to be clogged. This machine sat for nearly 4-5 years since anything’s been done with it because of issues we were having before. Does pla go bad ? I attached a few pics of things I did yesterday but it’s not as smooth as I’d like it to be. Thanks again
