Hello gMax Brothers and Sisters,
Upgrades to the Marlin firmware for the gMax have been completed. The firmware is posted in the following two posts. There are four versions of the firmware and one .stl file.
I was going to release this last week, but a firmware feature was brought to my attention that I had never used before. This was the change filament command (M600) which when invoked, moves the hot end to a specified position, retracts 100% of the filament, sounds an alarm from the LCD beeper and waits for the user to press the encoder knob. This is really powerful for a single extruder needing multiple filament changes during a print. The attached print was done on a dual extruder using only ONE extruder and calling the M600 command several times. The second extruder was not used at all. I will elaborate more on it's uses and functionality a bit later but there are many ways to invoke it (manual command line, gCode, macro button) but one of the best uses for it is tying it to an Out of Filament Sensor that will trigger the M600 when the spool runs out of filament. The firmware handles that too. While printing, if the Out of Filament Sensor is triggered, the M600 command is invoked. This is awesome as it allows you to use all of the filament on a spool with no fear of a ruined print. I have a few spools of black PLA with just a few feet of filament on them. This feature allows the use of all the filament and when it runs out, the tool head will be parked waiting for a refilll with the LCD sounding an alarm. No more babysitting the printer. No more ruined prints. No more wasted filament.
I will provide more detailed documentation for each feature outlining their uses and expected behavior and will include it with the firmware. I'll also provide the necessary materials list to get each feature working.
Major feature upgrades with this release
Auto-bed leveling - dynamically adjusts z height during printing for a perfectly level print surface.
Ditto Printing - prints two objects simultaneously. (Extruder 2 mirrors Extruder 1) This feature is only available for dual extruders (can be enabled disabled, via LCD, command line or gCode). Here is a Ditto Printing thread I started a while back with examples:
Change Filament Feature - See above
Out of Filament Sensor - Works for single AND dual extruders. If you have a dual extruder you can run a sensor for each extruder
There are a few other tweaks here and there but these are the most significant.
I'll be here to help as best I can.
Upgrades to the Marlin firmware for the gMax have been completed. The firmware is posted in the following two posts. There are four versions of the firmware and one .stl file.
I was going to release this last week, but a firmware feature was brought to my attention that I had never used before. This was the change filament command (M600) which when invoked, moves the hot end to a specified position, retracts 100% of the filament, sounds an alarm from the LCD beeper and waits for the user to press the encoder knob. This is really powerful for a single extruder needing multiple filament changes during a print. The attached print was done on a dual extruder using only ONE extruder and calling the M600 command several times. The second extruder was not used at all. I will elaborate more on it's uses and functionality a bit later but there are many ways to invoke it (manual command line, gCode, macro button) but one of the best uses for it is tying it to an Out of Filament Sensor that will trigger the M600 when the spool runs out of filament. The firmware handles that too. While printing, if the Out of Filament Sensor is triggered, the M600 command is invoked. This is awesome as it allows you to use all of the filament on a spool with no fear of a ruined print. I have a few spools of black PLA with just a few feet of filament on them. This feature allows the use of all the filament and when it runs out, the tool head will be parked waiting for a refilll with the LCD sounding an alarm. No more babysitting the printer. No more ruined prints. No more wasted filament.
I will provide more detailed documentation for each feature outlining their uses and expected behavior and will include it with the firmware. I'll also provide the necessary materials list to get each feature working.
Major feature upgrades with this release
Auto-bed leveling - dynamically adjusts z height during printing for a perfectly level print surface.
Ditto Printing - prints two objects simultaneously. (Extruder 2 mirrors Extruder 1) This feature is only available for dual extruders (can be enabled disabled, via LCD, command line or gCode). Here is a Ditto Printing thread I started a while back with examples:
Change Filament Feature - See above
Out of Filament Sensor - Works for single AND dual extruders. If you have a dual extruder you can run a sensor for each extruder
There are a few other tweaks here and there but these are the most significant.
I'll be here to help as best I can.