Z-axis motors out of sync

I kept calibrating and calibrating and couldn't understand why the print was always going wrong and the cross bar kept on going out of level. Finally I have figured out that the two Z-axis stepper motors are moving sporadically. Sometimes they are in sync and sometimes they have independent motion. The online forums say that its as a result of the firmware but I tried updating but this doesn't help.

The motor mounts don't seem to be slipping and the right hand motor almost looks as if it reverses a little after going forward (three steps forward and one back). However, as I said above this is sporadic.
You probably need to turn up the current to the z-axis steppers. The build manual goes over this process on step 15, page 26. Be sure to use the ceramic screw driver to avoid shorting anything on the electronics.
Thanks Kyle, but it ended up being even more simple. The Z-axis motor wires were a fraction loose at the cpu connection and so after some wriggling and wiring, its working like a charm :D